Code of Conduct


Be Respectful | Be Responsible | Be Safe

Code of Conduct for École Mount Prevost Elementary

Our student’s conduct must meet the standards expected for students as outlined in School District #79’s District Code of Conduct and in the code of conduct for École Mount Prevost Elementary.

École Mount Prevost Elementary is a community where people learn and grow together. At École Mt. Prevost Elementary, we all work together to encourage behaviours that foster positive peer relationships in the classroom and on the playground because everyone has the right to learn in a safe and secure environment.

  • Students are encouraged to respect themselves, other people and their environments.
  • Students are encouraged to develop positive behaviours (i.e. friendly, helpful, cooperative, respectful) toward their classmates, staff and the community.
  • Students are taught to accept responsibility for their work and behaviour, and will be encouraged to develop and maintain the best possible standards in both these areas.
  • Students will be actively involved/engaged in their own learning.

School Rules

  1. Act in a safe and responsible manner.
  2. No bullying activities. Everyone is encouraged to help others by speaking out and by getting adult help.
  3. Respect the diversity of the school community.
  4. Do not disrupt or interfere with the learning or safety of others. Everyone is expected to follow directions of staff in a cooperative manner.
  5. Be responsible for the care of the school building, grounds, equipment and personal property.
  6. Students will play in supervised areas and are to remain on the grounds once they arrive at school.
  7. No possession of weapons or illegal substances.

Consequences for Students who do not comply with School Rules

Should the Code of Conduct not be followed, one or more of the following consequences will be applied. Consequences will be based upon the type, severity and frequency of the behaviour and the student’s age, maturity and special needs. (Special circumstances may apply to students with special needs who are unable to comply with expectations due to their particular needs and circumstances.)

  • Intervention by classroom teacher, other teachers, noon hour supervisors or principal
  • Complete a Ready for Respect form
  • Time-out
  • Phone call to parents
  • Letter to parents
  • Meeting with parents to discuss the problem
  • Referral to School Principal
  • Referral to school counsellor
  • Loss of recess or lunch eating time with peers
  • Replacement or repair of damaged property
  • Walking with Recess duty teacher or noon hour supervisor
  • Temporary loss of playground privileges
  • Go home for lunch
  • Loss of privileges, school sponsored extra-curricular events and/or field trips
  • Restricted school hours
  • In-School suspension
  • Out of School Suspension
  • Actions directed by District policy and regulations
  • Actions directed by the Criminal Code of Canada

 If problems persist, a school-based team meeting is scheduled to explore other options.

Consequences of Repeated Inappropriate Behaviour

Fighting, wilful disobedience, hurting others and not acting in a safe, responsible manner on a continuing basis will be dealt with in the following ways:

  1. On the first incident, parents will be contacted by phone or by letter.
  2. On the second incident, the student will be sent home either for the rest of the day or asked to stay home the next day.

We are confident these procedures will make our school a safe, protected environment for your children and we thank you for your anticipated support. If, however, you have some questions about how it may work for your children, please feel free to call the Principal.

Rising Expectations

As students grow older and more mature, it is our expectation that they be held to a progressively higher standard of personal responsibility and self-discipline and will face increasing consequences for inappropriate behaviour.


In the event of serious breaches of conduct, the principal or designate, may advise other parties of those breaches including:

  • Parents of student offender(s) – in every instance
  • Parents of student victim(s) – in every instance
  • School district officials – as required by school district policy
  • Police and/or other agencies – as required by law
  • The school community – when deemed to be important to reassure everyone that school officials are aware of a serious situation or incident and are taking appropriate action to address it

Preventing Retaliation

The school and the Board will take all reasonable steps to prevent retaliation against a student who has made a complaint of a breach of a code of conduct.

Non-Discriminatory School Culture

The BC Human Rights Code prohibits discrimination on the basis of an individual’s or group’s race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex or sexual orientation. Our school is a place where students are free from harm, where clear expectations of acceptable behaviour are held and met and where all members feel they belong.  Publishing, issuing or displaying any statement, publication, notice sign, symbol emblem or other representation that indicates discrimination or an intention to discriminate against a person or a group or class of persons to hatred or contempt will not be tolerated.


Classroom Rights and Responsibilities for All Students

  1. I have a RIGHT to learn in this classroom.
  • It is my RESPONSIBILITY to listen to instructions, work quietly at my desk and to ask for help if I have a concern or need to leave.
  1. I have a RIGHT to hear and to be heard.
  • It is my RESPONSIBILITY to put my hand up and wait quietly for my turn to speak.
  1. I have a RIGHT to be respected in the classroom.
  • It is my RESPONSIBILITY to be respectful of others.
  1. I have a RIGHT to be safe in this classroom.
  • It is my RESPONSIBILITY y to interact with others in a safe and considerate way.
  1. I have a RIGHT to privacy and to my own personal space.
  • It is my RESPONSIBILITY to respect the personal property of others, and to accept their rights to privacy.



This is a program that has been developed by students, teachers, parents and principal to encourage respectful behaviour at our school.

The program involves

  • a philosophy of discipline rather than punishment
  • monthly themes around the topic of respect
  • a school wide program of lessons that promote respect, empathy, anger management, conflict resolution, assertiveness, safety, friendliness, and how to deal with bullying
  • a big buddy program with monthly activities that support our themes
  • special theme days to promote community spirit

Discipline vs. Punishment

We believe punishment is adult oriented. It may be quick and easy but it ignores intent and doesn’t change behaviour.

Discipline is child oriented. It considers intent and severity of the deed. It shows the child what they have done wrong and helps them to find solutions. Discipline fosters empathy and changes behaviour. Source: Barbara Coloroso, Kids are Worth It (if interested in more info, this book is available in our school library)

4 Steps in Discipline

  1. Show children what they have done
  2. Help them take ownership of the problem
  3. Help them find ways to solve it (you may need to provide choices)
  4. Help them to stop it from happening again.

We use problem-solving sheets that help the children work through this process

Children’s Intentions

A child’s intentions in a misdeed help determine what action should be taken.

Each situation has its unique circumstances.

Mistakes:         are by accident.

(Consequences may or may not be considered)

Mischief:          is on purpose but is non-violent and non-angry.

(Consequences may be considered)

Malicious:       is on purpose, is hurtful, violent, angry and or repetitive.

(Consequences will be considered)
Steps to Raise Responsibility

We have also been implementing this behaviour chart from Doctor Marvin Marshall and are amazed at how well and quickly it is working.

Level Behaviour School Work Results

· Responsable

· Independent


· I follow the rules and behave kindly and respectfully because it is the right thing to do. · I do my work well because I want to learn and progress. · I feel good about myself.

· Personal satisfaction.

· I learn and make good progress.


· Coopération

· Conformity


· I follow the rules and behave kindly when the teacher is watching or in order to get a prize or to avoid punishment. · I do my work when the teacher is watching.

· I want to avoid punishment or get free time or some other reward.

· I avoid problems with the teacher.

· I learn more or less.

· My progress is slow.


· Non coopération

· Ignoring.


· I often ignore the rules or do not behave kindly or respectfully. · I am often off task.

· I do the minimum or do not finish my work.

· I often fake working.

· I learn very little.

· I am often in trouble.

· I often have trouble with classmates.


· Disruptive

· Unsafe


· I ignore and break the rules.

· I hurt or disrupt others.

· I refuse to work or listen to lessons.

· I do not let others learn.

· I am often in trouble and angry.

· I do not learn.

· I feel bad about myself.


Levels D and C are not acceptable and the teacher needs to intervene.

Plan for Supporting Classroom Behaviour

Classroom management typically follows the sequence below.  Serious behaviour problems may accelerate the process directly to Step Three or Four.

  1. The teachers clearly define and teach the classroom rules and expectations
  2. A private meeting with the student and teacher to discuss the problem and work on a plan of action. Parent to be notified by phone or in writing of the plan. Problem solving reports may also be used to informed parents.
  3. A meeting with the teacher, student and parents will be held to further discuss the problem and develop a home and school plan of action. Principal will be informed and, if requested, will attend the meeting.
  4. A school based team meeting will take place to develop a more in-depth plan of action.

 Plan For Supporting Outside Behaviour

The teachers clearly define and teach the rules and expectations for outside and lunchtime eating behaviour. The teacher or noon-hour supervisor will evaluate each situation.  In instances of inappropriate behaviour, the teacher/supervisor will:

  1. a) Review what happened
  • Is there a problem?
  • What is the problem? (Some students may need support articulating what the problem is)
  • Whose problem is it?
  • What can you do to help solve the problem?
  1. b) Help mediate and solve the issue with the other party
  2. c) Review alternative actions
  3. d) Review school expectation
  4. e) Invoke an immediate and meaningful consequence
  • Apologize *  Removal from area
  • Time out *  Restrict play area
  • Walk with the supervisor *  Other – student generated
  1. f) Inform teacher and/or principal of incidents


Note: If behaviour is a major offence – child is sent to office



You have the right to learn in a safe, caring, orderly and positive school climate.

Your RESPONSIBILITY is to attend school regularly and be on time, to be organized, to do your best work and to work in ways that do not disturb others


You have the right to learn in an environment that respects all people.

Your RESPONSIBILITY is to be courteous and polite, to respect the feelings and opinions of others, to treat others as you would want to be treated, appreciate and accept the differences in others, to be a good listener, to encourage others in a positive way and to include other people in activities


You have the right to feel and be safe.

Your RESPONSIBILITY is to follow school and safety rules, to help others to be safe, to solve problems in a peaceful ways, to be aware of emergency drills, and to follow directions of school staff.


You have the right to privacy and to your own personal space.

Your RESPONSIBILITY is to respect the personal property of others, and to accept their right to privacy.


You have the right to a comfortable and clean environment.

Your RESPONSIBILITY is to clean up after yourself, to reduce, reuse, recycle, and to treat Drinkwater School and grounds with care.


A one-page reminder of our Code of Conduct


Be Respectful


Be Responsible


Be Safe




Use inside voices

Work cooperatively

Listen to others

Take turns talking

Be kind and helpful

Try your best

Be on time

Be prepared

Follow the rules

Look after supplies

“hands off”

listen to the teacher

wear inside shoes

keep clean & tidy


Halls and Entrances

Talk quietly

Be polite to others

Respect other people’s things

Wait your turn

Come in right away when the bell goes

Wipe your feet

Keep cloakrooms neat and organized


Keep your hands and feet to yourself

Clear hall quickly

Always wear shoes


Outside Lunch, and other times

Talk nicely

Be friendly

Listen to others

Share and take turns

Include others

Follow rules

Play in proper area

Take care of sports equipment

Report problems

Play safely

“hands off”

Stay in bounds

Follow playground rules


Gym and Assemblies

Listen to the teacher or main speaker

Respond politely

Be kind to those around you

Follow gym rules

Enter only with adult permission

Take care of gym equipment

Wear inside shoes

Keep your hands and feet to yourself

Listen to instructions

Enter and exit safely


Eating Times

Sit in your seat

Eat your own food


Be friendly

Listen to supervisors

Bring healthy food

Clean up your area

Eat your own food

Clean up food mess

Wash hands

Stay calm and quiet



Consider the next person – leave the area clean. Do your job

Report problems

Use the toilet, soap and paper etc. properly

Wash hands

Keep clean and tidy

Use room properly

Clear bathroom quickly

Playground Rules & Expectations

(to prevent accidents or injuries and ensure everyone’s safety)

  1. Listen to and respect the adults on duty. Follow their directions the first time they ask.
  1. Use playground equipment properly and safely. Share so everybody has a turn.
  1. It is expected all students will help put playground equipment back when the bell goes.
  1. No running in any of the cemented areas i.e. sidewalks and courtyard etc.
  1. Display positive sportsmanship & treat everyone in a safe and helpful way.
  1. Rough housing, tackling and side-checking etc. are not allowed.
  1. Physical contact or verbal abuse in any form is not permitted.
  1. The parking lot is out of bounds.
  1. You may only sit on sides of planter boxes – do not touch or go into them.
  1. Balls are not permitted in the playground area and are to be reserved to the field/sports court.
  1. Balls are not to be thrown against the school walls.
  1. Throwing rocks, chestnuts or snowballs etc. is prohibited.
  1. You may only enter the building at lunch to use the washrooms in via the back doors.
  1. No roller blades, scooters, skateboards, or runners with wheels at school.
  1. No toys or electronic devices are to come to school, unless okayed by teacher.
  1. Cell phones are to remain at home or in pack sacks – they will be taken otherwise.
  1. Food is not allowed outside, due to allergies and wasps.

Lunch Expectations

  1. Wash your hands
  2. Stay seated at your own desk
  3. Use your manners
  4. Speak quietly
  5. Do not trade or share food
  6. Ask to go to the washroom
  7. Put garbage and lunch bags away when the bell goes

For Students Who Do Not Comply With Playground And Lunch Expectations:

  1. Direct action by classroom teacher or school staff, including EA’s and noon-hour supervisors
  • Find out who they are and which class they are in
  • Check for understanding – Did they know the rule
  • Have the student tell you why it is rule
  • Let them know they made a choice to not follow the rule
  • Ask them what they are going to do next time
  • Check back in on him/her and give a positive comment

2. If continuing to make poor choices

  • Give a time out*
  • Check back in on him/her and give a positive comment

3. Next step if no improvement or if behaviour escalates

  • Speak to teacher if EA or Noon-hour supervisor
  • Problem Solving Report – sent home
  • Office referral

*A time out might be

  • Sit on nearby bench
  • Stand along side fence
  • Walk/stay with you

Bullying and Conflict

When is it bullying and when is it conflict?

Bullying is repetitive, unfair and one-sided.  It happens when someone keeps hurting, frightening, threatening, or leaving someone out on purpose.

Bullying occurs when a more powerful person or group repeatedly uses that power to hurt or control another person.

Conflict occurs when two or more people on equal footing have a disagreement.

Conflict Bullying
·      The power is usually equal

·      Anger is usually the primary emotion

·      Both people are “doing it”

·      The conflict is “about” or “over” something so there is a problem to solve.

·      Problem solving can work

·      It is usually short lived

·      Unequal power

·      The bully feels powerful

·      The target feels fear or embarrassment

·      Only one person is “doing it”

·      It is not about or over something but rather ‘on purpose’ picking on or hurting

·      It is repeated over a long period of time

·      Showing off is involved

Education on Bully prevention and conflict resolution help:

  • Communicate clear standards about bullying and getting along with others.
  • Interrupt unhealthy behaviour patterns early and help children learn appropriate social skills.
  • Provide students with resources, knowledge, and skills to help them cope with conflict and bullying situations.

Children who are bullied tend to:

  • Experience further rejection from peers.
  • Have lower self-esteem than other children.
  • Feel more lonely, anxious, and insecure.
  • Avoid and dislike school
We need to teach children to:
  • Problem solve respectfully
  • Take responsibility for their part in any conflict
  • Recognize the bullying
  • Refuse the bullying
  • Report the bullying
What we know:
  • It takes 30 – 200 repetitions to change behaviour
  • It takes adults 6 weeks to learn assertiveness, so we can’t expect kids to learn it in one or two lessons
  • Our automatic reflex is to an insult is fight, flight, or freeze. Practice will help break that initial reflex.
  • Teaching stop behaviours takes lots and lots of guided practice. Although it feels staged at first, the children need to use specific scripts.
  • Put up as many signs and posters as possible.


Conflict Resolution Strategies:

Teach Problem-Solving Language

The Problem Solving Model consists of three steps:

  1. Use the problem solving language when someone is bothering you. Tell them what it is you want them to stop doing and why.

“STOP – BECAUSE __________________________________________.”

  1. If the other person does not stop bothering you, repeat step one in a more assertive voice or walk away if you are not comfortable.
  2. If the other person still does not stop bothering you – Tell them “I have asked you to stop twice, if you continue I will have to go tell and adult” – then do it!

Ask an adult to help you solve the problem.  The adult will help the students use the problem solving language again and will support the student in solving the problem.  The adult will coach the student in ways to use the problem solving language successfully next time as well as to help student who is doing the bothering to find a better way to behave next time.

The script used for Problem Solving Language should be consistent.  It can be modified somewhat to suit the needs of younger students.  The cue could be


  1. I want you to stop (behaviour) _________________________________________


because ___________________________________________________________

  1. (Louder!) I want you to stop (behaviour) ________________________________

because ___________________________________________________________

  1. If you don’t stop, I will have to go tell an adult!

Teach Strategies such as:

Mediational Listening

  • Partner A – with adult support, describes what is upsetting them using “I” messages “I don’t like it when you . . .”
  • Partner B – with adult support, repeats back what partner A said “ I heard you say you don’t like it when I . . .”
  • The process repeats with Partner B saying what is upsetting them (often in a conflict situation it is two sided) and Partner A repeating back what was heard.
  • They then apologize and problem solve together so that it does not happen again.

How to give an apology

  • Admittance – What you did that was wrong
  • An apology
  • Some sort of a statement explaining why it won’t happen again

How to accept an apology

  • Teach students not to say “It’s okay” after an apology because – it is not okay! (Especially if they have been hurt)
  • Students need to say to the offender  “Apology accepted, but I need you to remember not to. . .” Bully Proofing Strategies:

Coaching the student who was bullied

  1. Affirm the child’s feelings (“Good for you for coming to an adult . . .” “You were right to report/get help from an adult.”)
  2. Ask questions (Get information about the current situation and the history of the situation.)
  3. Identify what has worked and has not worked in the past
  4. Generate solutions for the future (Discuss how the child can avoid the student who bullied.  Coach the child in using assertive refusal skills. Identify others who can help the child.)
  5. Follow up

Coaching the student who had bullied

  1. Identify the problem and diffuse reporting responsibility (“ I have been hearing. . .” “Many students have reported . . .”)
  2. Ask questions and gather information (“I’d like to hear from you about what happened.”  “How would you feel if this happened to you?”)
  3. Apply consequences (develop with the child)
  4. Generate solutions for the future (“What are some ways to prevent this from happening again?”)
  5. Follow up

Teach Assertive behaviour:

  • Stand tall
  • Look at the person’s face
  • Use a clear strong voice
  • Say the person’s name
  • Say what they’re doing that you don’t like
  • Tell them to stop
  • Say “__, I don’t like that. Stop it!”